The reason is that QBasic executes code line by line, and before the WHILE a <> b not a nor b where defined and the program skipped to WEND and END. you can view you connected WiFi password with single line DOS command. The loops are the While, Do Loop, and For loop. condition is a numeric expression used to determine if the loop will execute. ; EXIT WHILE can be used for emergency exits from the loop in QB64 only. QBasic.Net - Private Sub Constant_demo_Click() Dim Counter : Counter = 10 While Counter < 15 ' Test value of Counter. This tutorial will show the While loop. The Do While...Loop is used to execute statements until a certain condition is met. What is the function and syntax of WHILE ….. WEND statement? If any pair of ith character from the start and ith character from the end are not equal then it means that the number is not a palindrome, set flag = 0.; If the flag is equal to 0 then the input number is not a palindrome. Example. The loops are the While, Do Loop, and For loop. Example 2: Clearing the keyboard buffer. QBT9_4.BAS Dim number As Integernumber = 1Do While number <= 100number = number + 1LoopA variable number is initialized to 1 and then the Do While Loop starts. If condition is True, all statements are executed until the Wend statement is encountered. Then in the DO...LOOP structure, the variable "x" is decremented each cycle. Control then returns to the While statement and condition is again checked. DO...LOOP; FOR...NEXT; UNTIL (condition) _CONTINUE QBasic/Sample Programs. CLS i = 1 INPUT "Enter any number "; n WHILE i <= 10 PRINT n; "x"; i; "="; i * n i = i + 1 WEND END DO ... LOOP It is another type of looping statement in QBASIC. Let us look at an example of this loop. CLS. . WARNINGMake sure that the loop has a condition that will end the loop. This tutorial will show the While loop.    [Statement Block] The loops are the While, Do Loop, and For loop. Unknown March 1, … Here in this program we that variable b as base and h as height. WHILE a<=5. IF ... THEN Statement It is the most simple form of the control statements which executes a block of statements only if the given e... 1) 5 54 543 5432 54321 CLS FOR i = 5 TO 1 STEP -1 FOR j = 5 TO i STEP -1 PRINT j; NEXT j PRINT NEXT i END 2) 54... Modular programming is an approach of programming in which a large program is divided into separate independent units called modules. When you run this, the program will print a until it’s value is less than or equal to 5. Free QB64/QBasic Code  I'm used to the do while loop, so I was wondering what would be the difference between this two loops.. LOOP. WHILE num <> 0 r = num MOD 10 num = num \ 10 sum = sum + (r ^ 3) WEND IF n = sum THEN PRINT "It is armstrong "ELSE PRINT "It is not armstrong "END IF END. ; statements will execute repeatedly while condition is a non-zero value. Replies. Palindrome number or not. There are three types of loops for QBasic. Reply Delete. When it gets to the Loop it goes back to the Do and tests condition again. While...Wend loops can be nested to any level. WHILE INKEY$ <> "" : WEND. The FOR ... Next is a most popular and mostly used looping statement which is used to execute the set of statements repeatedly for a given number of times. Steps. FORMULA: Area of triangle is ½ x base x height. Syntax WHILE condition WEND. The loop body comprising a set of statements to be executed. DO UNTIL INKEY$ = "": LOOP ' checks evaluation before running loop codeDO: LOOP UNTIL INKEY$= "" ' checks evaluation after one run of loop code Example 3: Using a one time DO loop to exit ANY of several FOR LOOPs, without using GOTO. Among these looping statements FOR ... NEXT is the most common and popular looping statement. Loop is a statement which executes one or more lines of code in certain number of times. Normally programs are executed from top to bottom, in the order that they are written. There are the While, Do Loop, and the For loop. The process of repeating or doing same task many times until the given condition is true is called looping or iteration. On some web browsers, the Microsoft link does not work, because the download comes as an exe file. ; A DO...LOOP can use the same DO WHILE condition to get the same results. The general form of the DO WHILE…LOOP is: DO WHILE condition. Sometimes, using CTRL BREAK (QBasic 1.1) can end the infinite loop. It allows a specified group of statements to be executed a certain number of times while certain condition is true. CLS n = 1 WHILE n <= 10 PRINT "Your Name" n = n + 1 WEND END Example 5 WAP to print the multiplication table of given number. QBT9_3.BAS CLS Description. If there is not a condition to end the loop, the computer will be sent through an infinite loop. See also. Counter = Counter + 1 ' Increment Counter.